Rotary Club of Daytona Beach West Photo Gallery
Happy Dollars 2024
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It’s always humbling to hear about the amazing work being done in our community and a great privilege to be able to contribute to it!
Just before Thanksgiving, we presented Happy Dollars donations to the following incredible organizations:
- Project Linus
- Wings for Success (VCS Alternative Residential Education )
- Project WARM
- Domestic Abuse Council, Inc. DBA Beacon Center
- Racing Fingers Quilt Guild
Thank you for all you do!!
Christmas Shoebox Packing 2024
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Packing Christmas Shoeboxes for children around the world!
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Having fun to help others!
Harvest Festival at Family Renew
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These are the days that remind us why we joined Rotary! Great time creating a special day for families
Peacebuilder Book Club
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Always amazing discussions about how to bring about peace in our lives, communities, and the world
Port Orange Family Days
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Katie Widdison